Understanding the global needs within a market of events and brands, we created a set of actions that we call BE_XD, for the development and execution of events and technological installations of high efficiency, with immersive and sensorial contents. Through partnerships with companies and universities, maintaining a multidisciplinary team, focused on the study and development of new concepts, NOVAXD delivers a complete and innovative experience, with the best use of technology and creativity.

to the event market,
consider the content
fundamental to the
production of a
memorable event.
We create fixed, temporary and non-conventional itinerant projects that create emotional connections between customers and the brand. We know that innovative experiences cause internal changes in customers, creating bonds and loyalty to them. Our projects positively impact consumers, influencers and the press.
consider innovative
to be the most
important factor
of an event.
With your
head in the
clouds and
your feet
on the ground
Humberto Gessinger
We do all that with power, engineering and experience of a giant, associated with innovation and agility of a startup.